Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Some of the things we have been doing

we have been doing a lot of baby wearing.  Little guy is not liking the stroller very much these days. Hopefully he gets over that soon!
Brent's first time wearing E

Brent and Elliot have been matching
Not planned just something we realized as the day went on and I love it :)

Elliot has received some pretty cute gifts
Thanks Olson's for the cool glasses and robe!

Elliot's first mustache courtesy of Andy and Emily!

And Lately...
I have been trying to get all the snuggles I can from Elliot.  He is growing so fast and I want to enjoys these snuggles while he still gives them to me!

Have a good Wednesday!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Elliot 2 Months

2 months already!! I feel like I was just writing his 1 month post! Where is the button to slow him down?
He had his 2 month appointment today which meant he got his first set of shots.  He cried, I cried and now we are giving him lots of snuggles!

Everyday with Elliot just gets better and better.  This past month has been filled with so many highlights.
Here are just a few

 Smiling back at us
Seriously, how can your day not be great when it starts with this face 

Interacts with the animals on his play mat
He loves this thing! When he first played with it he was a little scared, I think there was just too much going on for him.  He also is quite intrigued with the baby in the mirror on the play mat, it is so funny!

He is starting to finally love his bath, but his favorite is still getting dried off right after
So peaceful

He also LOVES getting his diaper changed now.  He could be crying and as soon as you put him on the changing table he smiles and "talks" to us
Talking during his diaper change

Sucking on his fingers
More and more he is finding either his thumb or his pointer and middle finger to suck on.  So far it is always on his right hand.  He does not like pacifiers at all so we will see if this sticks!

As much as I want him to stay my snugly little boy forever, it is so fun to see him develop and learn new things :)

Have a good Monday!


Saturday, September 7, 2013

Recent Visitors

We've been pretty busy over here the past 3 weeks with visitors.  In early August my sister Missy came to visit for a week.  3 days of her trip overlapped with Brent's work trip back to Minnesota so it was nice to have her here so I wouldn't be alone for as long.  We of course got a lot of pictures of Elliot but only a few with us in them
It was so great having Missy here to spend time with us and also for me to ask every 
question possible :)  Elliot loved his Auntie snuggles!

 And I have to show one of the adorable outfits Missy brought for E

Last weekend my good friend Jenna and her husband Bobby came to see us on one leg of their European trip.  Again we had a big time picture fail and managed not to get a pic of all of us
Elliot's first trip to an Irish pub

Jenna, Elliot and I at lunch in Amsterdam
We had a lot of fun with Jenna and Bobby here.  We had a picnic in the park one night and spent the next day walking around Amsterdam.  Thanks for visiting!

We are gearing up for Brent's parent to come see us next week and we'll be much better about pictures!