Sunday, January 12, 2014

Elliot 6 months

6 months!! How did that happen??

He's come a long way in 6 months lets take a look


This past month has been great! We traveled to Minnesota for Christmas and Elliot's baptism(more on that later) and he did wonderful. His personality is really coming out and he gave lots of smiles and giggles to everyone. We didn't know how he would do being around so many people and so many new people, but he did great! 

He also started sitting right after 5 months. He was pretty unstable and once we were in Minnesota he became a solid sitter. He is definitely getting the itch to start moving though. If something is just out of his reach when he is sitting, he will pull himself onto his stomach and either roll or use his feet to inch his way to get it. It won't be long and I'm not ready for a mobile baby!!!
Sitting like a big boy at his 6 month pictures
He loves eating! We have been feeding him solids now for about 1.5 months and it has been great. We started 2 meals a day a little over 2 weeks ago which is when we added fruits in as well. Fruits for breakfast and veggies for dinner. He definitely prefers veggies, with peas, green beans and avocado being the ones he goes crazy for.

Trying to help me get the avocado to him faster
Such a big boy in his seat

He turned a corner with his car seat this month and started disliking it a little less. We had successful trips to Melrose and many other trips with no tears.  He still doesn't love it but we are going to take any progress we can get!

We are half way to 1 which seems just crazy! Although, I think now it is acceptable to admit that I already am working on ideas for his 1st birthday :) If these first 6 months are any indication these next 6 are going to fly by. He is learning so much everyday and getting busier all the time. I have a feeling these next few months we will have lots of firsts to report on!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Lora!! I just found your blog and will be doing lots of reading about all your races! I'm hoping to do my first marathon in Berlin in the fall-hopefully Elliot will cooperate with training!
